
16 Finalists from Art Box Workshops

Today, September 7th is “National Threatened Species Day”. We are very proud to announce that 16 Art Box Workshops students have been formally invited to Parliament House, this afternoon for the awards presentation for their artworks which were created during term...

Presentation by Forestmedia

Art Box Workshops had the privilege at the weekend to have  Forestmedia Art Competition Coordinator Lorraine Bower do a presentation for  our Saturday morning class on Threatened species of N.S.W Australia.  Forestmedia and Art Box workshops are working together to...

Sculpture Term 2, 2016

Drawing then sculpting an object is the fundamental foundation of design, the children gain an understanding to the importance of having a clear vision of an idea on paper first as this  will help explore possibilities and also understand limitations of the sculptural...

Term 3 Printmaking 2015

“Art Box Workshops, after school and Saturday morning  Art Club’s focus last term was on the fabulous painterly process of mono type printmaking. Our students designed their own prints using drawing and watercolours, responding to landscape, portrait,...